Matt Herrington, owner of the Herrington Cattle Company and Copper Star Beef, emphasizes the importance of caring for cattle while producing local, natural beef. He explains that family farms are often the ones that suffer the most, despite opposition to corporate farms. Herrington believes that those in the food supply chain, especially those in the beef industry, care about what they do. At his grow yard, Herrington and his team focus on breeding cattle, genetics, feed, nutrition, and care. They provide the cattle with the necessary feed and nutrients based on their age and growth cycle. Herrington uses oat hay as the main ingredient in their rations due to its nutrient value and local availability. They also use alfalfa for its taste and palatability. The team uses steam flaked corn, which is the most effective utilization of corn, and dried distillers grains, which smell good and are nutritious. Herrington stresses the importance of paying attention to the ration so that it benefits the microorganisms in the rumen, which do most of the digestion. Herrington's focus on the welfare of his cattle and the production of local, natural beef sets him apart from corporate farms.