Watch what it's like to be at a renaissance festival

Watch what it's like to be at a renaissance festival

This video showcases the Arizona Renaissance Festival, which is an annual event where people get to be themselves and meet new friends. The festival features activities like glassblowing and sword making, as well as competitions and shows. Viewers get to see the process of making a knife from scratch using a hammer and heat, and also get a glimpse of the glassblowing process. The glassblowers use a special color called Duro-Color, which has a high flooring content that makes it stiff and doesn't get hot easily, allowing them to blow it out with small adjustments. The festival also features people dressed in costumes from the Renaissance era, including replicas of armor and pirate costumes. Overall, the video gives viewers a taste of what it's like to attend the Renaissance Festival and highlights the various activities and experiences available.

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